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  • 2024-09-29 12:23:32
  • 编辑:小米儿Sunny

Hello everyone, I am HaoZai! Follow HaoZai for the latest news on the Dream of Three Kingdoms game every day! The following review only represents personal opinions and does not represent official or platform positions. There are many experts in the Dream of Three Kingdoms, and I have shown you many top characters before, but almost no one can claim to be the first! After all, there is always someone better out there! Maybe an inconspicuous account can crush you in some aspects! However, the account that HaoZai is going to show you today can definitely be called the number one in the entire server at the moment. She is equipped with multiple gradeless equipment, and most importantly, two pieces of equipment have reached level 20 forging gems, which is the first time I have seen equipment with level 20 forging gems! The gradeless Crystal Clear Skill and gradeless Water Clear Skill equipment are also rare treasures on the entire server! Let's call her "Number One in the Entire Server" for now! What kind of account is it? Let's start the showcase without further ado! "Number One in the Entire Server" showcase, equipped with two level 20 forged equipment, and gradeless special skill equipment is also a rare treasure! The account is a level 129 Daughter Village character. These are the panel attributes without a belt or temporary symbols, which are even higher than many accounts after using symbols! A level 130 gradeless Shura Puppet Demon female headgear with Vajra Wrathful Eyes, forged with 18 Moonstones! A level 130 gradeless Shura Puppet Demon necklace with Crystal Clear Skill, initial spirit 209 after smelting, and forged with 18 Relics! A level 150 gradeless Shura Puppet Demon female robe, double added endurance and body by 58 after smelting, forged with 20 Moonstones. I have shown you the 19 forged equipment before, but this is truly the first time I've seen a 20 forged equipment! A level 150 gradeless Shura Puppet Demon shoes with Water Clear Skill, forged with 19 Black Gems! A level 150 gradeless Shura Puppet Demon belt with Concentration Skill, forged with 20 Black Gems, this is the only known level 150 Concentration Skill belt, truly a rare treasure! A level 120 Divine Blessing Smile Concealed Blade weapon, double added agility and endurance by 54, forged with 12 Sunstones! The rings and earrings have triple speed. The lower accessories have double defense and one magic defense, the bracelets have double health and one magic defense, both are level 140 super simple. All four spirit accessories are forged with 11 Starlight Stones, with level 8 163 special effects. The 9th skill is the Surprising Victory Mount Sumeru Pupil, with high magic critical damage from the set, magic power is at its limit! The 12th skill is the Unexpected Surprising Victory Mount Sumeru Pupil, top magic pet, suitable for team battles! The 11th skill is the Unexpected Surprising Victory Mount Sumeru Pupil, with high magic wave from the set! The 10th skill is the Five Elements Overcoming Surprising Victory Mount Sumeru Wuxing Mountain God, with high magic combo from the set, and it's a special magic pet with 3 skills! The 12th skill is the Clean Platform Divine Horse Power Wall Painted Soul, blessed with 3 super skills! This is a 13th skill Clean Platform Divine Horse Power Wall Painted Soul, with extremely high attack and power! This Tearful Monster is the only Five Blessings Baby in the entire server, with 4 super skills oained from the Beast Decision, and also blessed with 4 other super skills, totaling 23 skills, almost unbeatable! The 12th skill Clean Platform Divine Horse Power Wall Painted Soul, with good growth potential! The 12th skill Death Magic Defense Clean Platform Divine Horse Painted Soul! The 12th skill Clean Platform Divine Horse Good and Evil Moon Charm, with a very beautiful appearance, very attractive! The 12th skill Death Magic Defense Clean Platform Divine Horse Painted Soul, blessed with 4 super skills, he has many other babies in his warehouse, which I will not show one by one! Well, this level 129 Daughter Village account is the complete package, and after seeing it, words cannot describe how amazing it is, all I can say is it's too powerful! This type of account is unique in the entire server, and is the number one on the entire server, at least currently there is no account stronger than her known! What are your thoughts after seeing this account? Share your opinion!